From Your DNA, Your Say

В Минобрнауки заявили о важности пропаганды пользы генетических технологий ИА Красная Весна Читайте материал целиком по ссылке

This article, titled in English "The Ministry of Education and Science declared the importance of promoting the benefits of genetic technologies" is from the Russian news site Rossa Primavera (красная весна)

В Минобрнауки заявили о важности пропаганды пользы генетических технологий ИА Красная Весна Читайте материал целиком по ссылке

24th September 2020

Full article, as translated by Google Translate:

The Ministry of Education and Science declared the importance of promoting the benefits of genetic technologies

The society is not ready for the adoption of genetic technologies in medicine, therefore it is necessary to tackle a change in public opinion, said the deputy director for scientific work of the Medico-Genetic Research Center. Academician N.P. Bochkova, Chairman of the Russian Society of Medical Geneticists Vera Izhevskaya, the press service of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education reported on September 23.

Izhevskaya commented on a public opinion poll conducted in 15 countries, which showed that only 52% of respondents are willing to provide their DNA and medical information anonymously for use by doctors. She informed that in the Russian Federation, public opinion studies on the processing and access to genetic information are supported by the Russian Society of Medical Geneticists (ROMG).

The Chairman of the ROMG explained the importance of conducting research on the development of genomic technologies: “Russia has participated for the first time in such a large-scale project to study public opinion on the exchange of genomic data, which made it possible to compare the attitude of people in different countries to this topic. Interest in the development of genomic technologies is growing, and the results of the study are extremely important . ”

In her opinion, it is necessary to change the negative attitude of society towards genetic technologies in medicine: “They (the results of the survey – approx. in medicine ” .

The survey to assess societal attitudes towards genomic research and data sharing was conducted in 22 countries and was attended by 36,268 people. Two-thirds of those surveyed said they had no idea what DNA, genetics and genomics are. At the same time, 42% of respondents stated that they are ready to provide more than 2 specialists or organizations with their DNA and information about their health.

As a reminder, a research project to study public views on the processing and access to genetic information – “YourDNAYourSay“, in the Russian version “Your genes, you decide” – was launched in 2016 by the NGO “Global Alliance for Genomics and Health” (GA4GH) and the international Genomics Standardization Organization and the Wellcome Genome Campus Research Center (Harvard, UK).

Earlier, in March 2019, a UN group of experts said that gene therapy could significantly change medicine, but genetic technologies need to be placed under strict international control. In particular, the experts suggested introducing a temporary moratorium on genetic “editing” of the human germ line.

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Krasnaya Vesna IA, 2020. The Ministry of Education and Science declared the importance of promoting the benefits of genetic technologies. Rossa Primavera (красная весна) [online]. 24th September. Available from: [Accessed: 29 September 2020]